Boys’ Brigade is a place where boys can be boys … and boys become men!
Company Section, for boys aged 11-18, is all about learning new skills, making your own decisions, and having fun. BB provides a safe environment to explore new possibilities and achieve personal goals while making friends and having adventures.
Juniors (P5-P7) have fun! Their time is crammed full of challenges, games and activities catering for just about every possible interest. Loads of variety and little chance of becoming bored!
Anchor Boys (P2-P4) and Cabin Boys(up to P1) have lots of fun doing different activities which include making things, music, games, sports, stories, making friends. Boys develop confidence, physical skills, independence, ……and a personal identity, learning about how we are all different.
To keep up with all the latest news, please follow our Elmwood Boys’ Brigade – 5th Lisburn Facebook page